After much anticipation, I went to QLD on the weekend of 27 October 2007 to go to my friend Jacquie's wedding. Nic (my sis) was at the quilt show working on the
Dyed & Gone To Heaven stand at the Brisbane Quilt Show, so I flew up on the Friday to meet her there. After getting totally and utterly lost on the way from the airport to the convention centre (blame the baby brain!) I made it, and had a good day.
Had lunch with my friend Kellie (actually my hubby's ex-wife but thats another story!) and her little boy Blake, which was lovely and I was so glad to see her. She moved up to Brisbane about a year ago (I think?) with her hubby, but is just about to come back to Wollongong to live. She is pregnant too, so we had lots to talk about.
Left the quilt show at about 3pm, and after getting lost AGAIN (yep, my fault) we got to the Gold Coast sometime before 6pm. We could not believe the traffic from Brisbane to the Coast, it was terrible. After a quiet Italian dinner we were in bed early, both of us exhausted from a very long day.
Saturday was unreal, we shopped and shopped in the morning (which we can never do without kids or husbands nagging), then got ready for the wedding. After lots of rainy weather that week, it turned into the most gorgeous day. So hot that I had to go and sit down during the ceremony as I felt like passing out! Jacquie looked amazing (as always!) and Wade was just such a sweetheart, these two are just made for eachother. Check out the gorgeous photos, they got married on Burleigh Hill, the place where Wade had proposed.

And look at me and Nic, all dressed up and looking gorgeous!!!

It was a fab night, one in which I REALLY missed having a drink and would've done anything to be on the tipsy side and having a dance. BUT, I was a good girl and just sat back and watched everyone else, it was really funny actually watching all these pi**ed idiots jumping around and making complete idiots of themselves! Goes to show doesn't it...I never notice that when I'm drinking, probably cause most of the time I'm the one running around like a total and utter lunatic (as my girlfriends can definitely vouch for!).
It was up early and at the airport just after 9am, Nic dropped me off at Coolangatta airport and then headed back to the airport. A great weekend, but very quick and very busy. I slept all day Monday and spent the whole week recovering. Someone remind me next time to stay an extra day and relax a little... ;) time will only be a few months away, we've booked to go back to Burleigh Heads at the end of February, this time all of us and we'll be staying ten night. I can't wait! I'll be 28 weeks pregnant by then, so will totally need some rest and relaxation. It'll be here before we know it, like everything else.
Well there you have it, another catch up from me, only about three weeks late!