I have entered a photo swap for the first time ever...I've just completed the first layout for one of the girls on the SM Forum and I'm pretty happy with it. I never knew how hard it would be to scrap for someone else!! Its really difficult to know when to stop and if they'll like it etc...I'm pleased to say that Wendy loved it and commented as soon as I put it up on the forum, THANK GOODNESS! I've only just sent my photo off today, so we'll wait and see how that turns out. Its a photo of the kids for my album, which i obviously never do cause I'm too busy doing the kids albums to touch my own!
So anyway, my dining room is officially trashed, me and my neice Emma have spread scrap stuff absolutely everywhere. You should see how good Em is getting at scrapping...she isn't even 12 yet, and amazes me with what she does! Here is her double layout for today of herself and her bf Brittany. What you think?
Clever chook, huh?
what a great idea Sar to do a photo swap!you have done an amazing job.Emma your double page "best friends"LO is just gorgeous!