Sunday, April 27, 2008

A whole week of scrapping!

I'm very proud of myself, I have scrapped every single day for a week. This is something I've never done before. Not something that is bound to last though with the new baby coming soon...but I really need to do what I can do just plod through my pages, as I have so many albums on the go that need seems like a neverending amount of scrapping at the moment, but I guess if I kept doing a page a day I'd get through it eventually! No pressure though, I'm not in any rush and have no inclination to be 'up to date'.

This is a photo of Daniel & I in Bali when he took me there for my 21st. Oh, the days of no children...drinking by the pool, relaxing, doing exactly what we pleased with no interruptions. How different is my life now! You know what though, I wouldn't trade it for the world...

Glad we had those days though, thats why I want to scrap them and have albums for all of our trips. I know its crazy, going back years (this was 2001)and scrapping what seem like ancient photos...but these memories are so important to me. Plus its fun to have something other than the kids to scrap every now and then.

The weekend is nearly over, I know that is sad for lots of you but I love it when Monday comes around as it means Daniel is home with us for four and a half days instead of being at work, which is about 14 hours each day on Fri, Sat & Sun that is he away from home. Weekends are my hardest time, just long days with the kids and no one to just 'be there' if I'm having a bad day or need a break. I do have fun with my girls on the weekends though and usually have a crafty day once a weekend, so thats one good thing...but I do miss Daniel when he's not here, and so do the kids.

Housework is calling, better go deal with that so I can disappear into the scrap room while Georgia is sleeping.


  1. Good on you for getting some scrapping done each day Sar - I usually get most nights to myself but unfortunatly get majorly sidetracked by the comp lol.
    Fabbo layout!!

    Julie xx

  2. Great scrapping Sar.... you go girl... damn just about had a heartattack!!!! your music on your blog scared the daylights out of me...

    keep up the great work Sar your inspirational. ciao Scrapaholic'tine in DArwin
