Some scrapping to share, I've been busy.
This was a just because LO of my Dad with Georgia. I love the colours in this, this BG range is one of my raves of late.

This one is for Bon's Colour Challenge for last week's CC at Bon's Scraps. Can you believe I didn't have anything to do a page blue, black & white with bling? Well I probably did, but not that suited the photos I wanted to use. Luckily Scrapbooking Delights was having a sale last Tuesday and I picked up exactly what I needed.

This is for Stuck Sketches and is sketch #68. I bought this paper but then had no idea what to do with it, without covering it up or cutting it up. This sketch was perfect and I'm pleased with how it ended up.

And this one is for this months Puzzle Sketches. I didn't think I'd get many challenges done this month with Christmas and all, but I'm doing pretty good I think.

So yesterday I met the lovely Malinda who I met on the forum at Bon's Scraps. We will both be going to the Bon's Retreat next August, so it was nice to meet up before that and put a face to the name. We chatted in the sun for about an hour, before we gave up and went home before we melted. Malinda being from Melbourne is not used to our muggy hot weather in Wollongong!
It was another hot one today and this afternoon, after getting home from a lovely chinese lunch with my Mum & Dad, I filled up the little seashell pool for the kids to have a dip. Bronte's first swim and she wasn't sure, but had fun in the end.
So Em is here again, think she is staying for a few nights so we'll have more scrapping to show in days to come.
Oh before I forget, you HAVE to see the gorgeous mini album my friend Linda made me for Xmas, my god. And she told me we were only doing 'something little' for christmas...grrrrrr. I feel bad now about the box of chocolates I bought for her!

Whats everyone doing for new years? We're going to a party at our friends Anth & Linda's. Will be a pretty quiet night I think, all of us taking our kids, but it will nice to just have a catch up and take it easy. Hope you do something good!