Friday, December 25, 2009


We were awoken at exactly 5.17am this morning by Cooper, saying 'Santa's been!'...but convinced him to wait until nearly 6am before waking his sisters up...after counting down the minutes...'mum, its 5.32', 'mum, its 5.41', 'dad, its 5.50'...oh for gods sake, go and wake them up already!!!!! So he did.

It was all over so quickly, we tried to slow them down without too much success. Three very happy kids in our house though, being totally spoilt by Santa, and Mummy & Daddy of course!

Here's a few pics from our morning...

Surveying the scene as they entered the loungeroom

The girls comparing their new dollies

Cooper and 'DEVASTATOR'

Georgie Tinkerbell

Us, our family, I'm so lucky.

Wishing you all a Merry Xmas, although our plans have changed a little today I am looking forward to it, a relaxing day at home with my family, the people who mean the most to me. Can't wait for my parents to get here at lunchtime, and the rest of my family tonight. A visit from my gorgeous SIL this afternoon with my nieces will also be a highlight of my day. I'm focusing today on putting my energy into the people I love, the people who are there for me all the time, the people that I know I can count on no matter what. Hope you are all spending the day with your favourite people too, thats what Christmas is all about! xoxo


  1. gorgeous photos...thanks so much for sharing on Christmas day

  2. Oh Sar, love the pics and im glad you had a good morning.

  3. such a gorogeus family.. gorgeous pics.. merry christmas honey ..


  4. AWESOME family pic!!!!
    and yes I spent the day with the most important people in my life too :)
