Here's a couple of pages I created from 52 Sketches...52 Weeks while I was at the retreat:
Sketch #39

Sketch #41
And this one, the only page I managed at Savvy's Friday night crop!
Sketch #42
I'll definitely be heading back to this site again to use some of their old sketches!
My birthday has come and gone this week, another year older and only one more year till the big 30! I had a great week, starting with retreat, then friends over for Melbourne Cup, then crop day Wednesday, then my birthday Thursday. It all went downhill though when Georgie got sick on Thursday afternoon, and we got a phonecall halfway through watching Time Travellers Wife at the movies. I was so disappointed, I've been hanging for this movie to come out since reading the book years ago. Luckily it was only a 24hr tummy bug and Georgia was back to normal on Saturday. Here's a pic of me and the kids (well two of them anyway, Bronte was already in bed) with my gourmet Woolies cake on Thursday night, LOL!

And Friday night crop, the gorgeous Deslie made cupcakes and they made me blow out the candle (about ten times to get the right pic!!) and sang happy birthday. I'm so lucky to have all these girls in my life, we have so much fun together at the Savvy crops.

Time to go, screaming baby calls, bye for now!
wow those LOs are so gorgeous Sar!! love the piccies too, glad you had a nice birthday :) that photo! Great layouts Sar...I'll have to check out that site.